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Advice and Consultation for Authors

Advice and Consultation for Authors2022-05-02T01:10:06+00:00

Advice and consultation about what?

Sometimes your story isn’t flowing as it should.

You might have written yourself into a corner or dead end, or you simply struggle to find the ‘MacGuffin’ around which your plot revolves.

BCM offers plot advice and consultation for struggling authors.

Your consultation begins with a one-on-one Zoom call with USA Today bestselling author Elizabeth Ellen Carter. It’s a completely confidential 30-minute chat about your manuscript.

Elizabeth will use her more than 30-years-experience as a journalist and writer to interview you about your story, characters, world-building, and plot. She will ask questions that will help unlock the hidden potential in your story. She will prompt you to go deeper into your characters’ motivations, and explore different ways to craft an original and engaging story.

While you’ll almost certainly get useful and inspiring feedback during the consultation, the main outcome will be a subsequent written evaluation containing recommendations and suggestions delivered to you by email. You will also receive a recording of your consultation to refer back to.

Bookings are essential. Contact us for your author consultation here.

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