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Blurbs and Synopses for Books

Blurbs and Synopses for Books2022-05-07T05:13:37+00:00

What’s the big deal about blurbs?

You’ve just finished writing a magnum opus. It’s a hundred thousand words or more. How hard can it be to write a 3000-word synopsis or a 150-word blurb for the back of your book?

Very hard, as it turns out. It’s the number one thing authors dislike or just simply can’t do.


Perhaps it’s not being able to see the forest for the trees. Perhaps you’ve created such a vivid world with deep and interesting characters that to strip it down to its essentials is just impossible.

But it has to be done.

If you’re pitching a new book or series to a publisher, or a film or TV producer, you will need to have a synopsis professionally prepared.

As for blurbs, if you’re a ‘name’ writer who has a new title coming out with a major publisher, they’ll probably get their marketing department to write it. However, if your publisher isn’t so big, or you’re planning to release your book as a self-published title, you’ll need an enticing blurb to attract your readers.

What’s more, if you’re taking yourself into print, a great back blurb is just as important as the front cover in determining whether or not a reader will buy your book.

BCM can take the hard work out of blurb and synopsis writing by doing it for you.

Obviously, this means reading your manuscript. If we’re already doing copy edits or proofreading, you’ll receive a discount on your blurb or synopsis.

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