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Illustration for Non-Fiction Books

Illustration for Non-Fiction Books2022-05-09T06:36:15+00:00

A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words

Non-fiction books frequently require illustrations. These may be photographs, line drawings, graphs, or diagrams.

Whatever kind of illustration your book needs, it’s important that they not only be of good quality, but also, mainly in the case of drawings, graphs, and diagrams, be uniform in style.

This means that a set of graphs should look like they came from the same designer, with similar style and shading/colour choices. Line drawings should have similar styling with the same line thicknesses as each other. The same goes for diagrams.

This consistency will convey professionalism that attaches itself to your words. A inconsistent grab bag of different drawing, diagram, and graph styles will subconsciously suggest to the reader that your book is amateurish and not to be trusted


In the case of a memoir or family history, you may wish to supply all your own photos. This may also be the case for, say, a technical manual that you are illustrating with actual examples of items or settings you have encountered. We can help you make sure these photos are adjusted correctly, enhanced if needed, and look the best they can.

In other cases, sometimes in addition to diagrams, etc, you may need stock photography to illustrate a point. It might be stock photos of the elderly for a book on aged care, or pictures of children at play for a parents’ guide. We can source royalty-free stock images for you from a variety of online libraries.

Line art

Drawing is a highly specialised area of expertise. We can source artists who can work with you in the style you desire.

Diagrams and graphs

Basic diagrams and graphs can be produced in-house by BCM. If you need technical diagrams, we’ll source the specialists who can make them for you.

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