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Websites for Authors

Websites for Authors2022-05-09T01:57:16+00:00

Does an author really need a website?

If you’ve written your book only for the enjoyment of family and friends, the answer is probably ‘no’.

But if you have ambitions to have your work widely read, you want to become a full-time author, or, indeed, to have a best-seller, the answer is a resounding ‘yes’.

It’s estimated that 2.2 million new books are released worldwide each year – and that doesn’t include re-issued classic and popular titles.

That’s a crowded field. How are you going to stand out amongst them? You might have written the world’s best book, but how will anyone know?

By using social media?

Your social media profiles will certainly help you find followers. One of the things publishers look for when selecting a manuscript is an author’s social media presence.

However, they will most certainly be looking for your website too. They want to know how dedicated you will be in promoting your books if they sign you up.

So, for authors who are hoping to turn writing into their career, a website is essential.

It is a shopfront which is open all day and every day. It allows you and your book to be found by people who are searching for their next read – whether it be fiction or non-fiction.

You don’t need to be directly selling your books through your website. It’s easy to do if you wish, but the majority of authors use their website to ‘show and tell’ their work, then direct readers to online bookstores such as Amazon and Booktopia.

For self-published authors, a website is vital. It is your primary marketing tool. It is your shopfront, a place to connect with readers, share news, and collect that all important newsletter list.

And, very importantly, the advantage of your own website over relying solely on social media is that you control it – its look, its ‘feel’, its very presence – without being challenged by the whims and vagaries of changing social media interfaces and designs.

What’s needed?

You will need three things:

  • A domain name
  • A hosting package, and
  • A website built on that hosting package.

There are companies offering free or cheap websites that promise to be easy for a layman build themselves.

If you are comfortable around technology and don’t mind a steep learning curve, this might be a good place to start.

But if technology is not your forte, or you’re too busy to dedicate the time to create your website, BCM is here to help.

We can create an author website for as little as $500 (plus hosting and domain name registration, which are third party charges).

I already have a website but I’m too busy to update it

We understand! Life is busy.

If you need a hand to update your website with images (or even fresh content), we can help there too.

BCM has special affordable rates to update your website.

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